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The young Napoleon Bonaparte studying at the military academy at Brienne-le-Chateau, France, circa 1780


After reading a number of biographies, I noticed a pattern of Great People studying the Great People that came before them. As my goal is to contribute to the advancement of Mankind to the greatest degree I can, it became clear to me that I was going to need to bury myself in biographies. In doing so, I have dramatically changed my life across the board – from business to social skills to health.


The more knowledge/wisdom I collect, the better my life gets – wisdom is like the oil that makes the machine of life run smoothly. There is a lot of biographical material out there, but there is not a lot of people distilling all of the interesting stories, anecdotes and subsequent knowledge. So, I figured it would be useful to build this project and collect all that I have learned from studying the Great People of History. I intend to build the resource that I wish had been available to me. 

Mack Moderie